How To Use The Next Button To Give Virtual Learning A Boost

arrowIf you are used to virtual learning, there is one icon that you are probably well accustomed to using – the next button. After all, you cannot display everything in one page. That is nearly impossible to do – and there is really no sense in doing it. You need to divide everything so it can be delivered in bite-sized chunks to the learners. This makes it easier for them to pace the learning process and keep the lessons from being too overwhelming.

This is the reason why the next button in is probably the most important navigation tool that you will install in your elearning course. You want to make sure that this small feature is not ignored. If created well, it can actually contribute to the overall design of the virtual classroom.

Here are a couple of tips to help you create a next button that will improve the virtual learning experience of the learners.

  • Make sure it is defined right from the start. It is helpful to have a short and concise tutorial of how to navigate the virtual classroom. This will keep the learners from making mistakes while going through the course. It is also a great way for you to introduce the next button and the other navigation icons that you will use along the way.
  • Show where the next button will lead. This can be a simple phrase or sentence to tell the learners what they should expect after clicking the next button. It can be constructed in such a way that will enable them to understand how the lesson will progress after the page. One way to do it is like a “call to action.” For instance, “click here if you want to learn how to…”
  • Create an eye-catching next button without making it steal the spotlight. The next button should be easily recognizable. You can use a contrasting color or something strong like red.
  • Be consistent with its location. It is actually a must that you place the next button in the same place on each page of the virtual learning material. That way, the learner will not have to search for the button. They automatically know where to find it. Not only that, it will keep the learners from confusing it with other icons that you may use. Ideally, you want to place the button where the learner will see it last as they browse through the page – like the bottom right corner.
  • Do not forget about mobile users. Since this is a rising trend in the elearning industry, you may want to ensure that mobile users will not have a hard time with the next button. The rules are actually quite simple. You need to make sure the button is big enough for a finger to click on yet small enough for mobile screens.

These are important considerations so you can use the next button properly in your virtual learning materials. This may be a minute detail in your course but it can still affect the overall learning experience of the learners.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles for

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