Defining Hybrid Education

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Hybrid education is the integration of the traditional and virtual classroom learning. There are a lot of names used for this type of education. You have hybrid instruction, hybrid courses or blended learning.

This method of education combines the best of the traditional and online learning activity. Students can enjoy the convenience of remote learning while maintaining real time contact with their instructors and other students. Take careful note that hybrid education still incorporates the traditional classroom setting in the learning process. It is not a purely online transaction. Instructors still see the value of the traditional learning method where the instructor and students come face to face. It completes the social interaction that is lacking in virtual classrooms.

The main requirement for hybrid education is an Internet connection. Both the instructor and the students need this connection in order to share and access the learning materials. The instructor should fix the content of their lesson so they can share it with their students online. There are many multimedia tools that can be used like powerpoint slides, videos, audio materials, etc.

Thanks to the technological aspect of hybrid learning, students are given a more interactive platform to learn. The same learning methods are there: exams, case studies, research and group discussions – it is just done over the Internet.

One of the key benefits of hybrid education is the fact that the materials used make students more interested in the learning process. The boring lectures in a study hall is not replaced with a more convenient place – oftentimes at home. Not only that, online learning is oftentimes cheaper to avail – which is a good thing for students who are strapped for cash.

The instructor is also able to expand his audience since students are no longer required to be in close proximity to them. There are also benefits on campus. The student traffic will not be as dense as it should be. Those who cannot sit in an actual classroom can avail of the lesson via the Internet.

This type of learning will also force participants to improve their computer skills. After all, this is the device used to make this learning possible. At the same time, hybrid education will teach students how to pace their learning according to their personal schedules. They are also encouraged to manage and discipline their learning habits (e.g. time management, critical thinking, etc.)

There are also instructors saying that students are more inclined to rely on their own resources in order to pass the learning curve. They are not relying on peers for help. They are technically alone in their remote location and that means they have to complete the learning curve on their own. While that is true, students are also observed to participate in group discussion more aggressively. The anonymity that comes with conversing online encourages students to speak their mind. This also happens because students have time to create their response.

Since technology is being used, instructors can easily inject programs into the learning management system (LMS) that they are using to help them measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the blended learning.

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